Champion of College Access and Success image

Frankfort High School Principals received the following notification:

Congratulations to Frankfort High School. On behalf of College for West Virginia is pleased to announce that your school is among forty high schools recognized as a 2024 Champion of College Access and Success. (See full list of winning schools below.)

 College for West Virginia (CFWV) coordinates three annual college-planning milestones to help students in West Virginia plan their pathway to education or training beyond high school. High schools that successfully participate in all three pathway events and meet specific criteria are recognized as CFWV Champions of College Access and Success schools. The three milestones have specific components to help students in West Virginia transition to postsecondary pathways. 

2024 CFWV Champions of College Access and Success

Cabell Midland High School

Cabell Co.

Cameron High School

Marshall Co.

Chapmanville Regional High School

Logan Co.

Cross Lanes Christian School

Kanawha Co.

Doddridge County High School

Doddridge Co.

Fairmont Senior High School

Marion Co.

Frankfort High School

Mineral Co.

George Washington High School

Kanawha Co.

Greenbrier East High School

Greenbrier Co.

Hannan High School

Mason Co.

Herbert Hoover High School

Kanawha Co.

Hurricane High School

Putnam Co.

Jefferson High School

Jefferson Co.

Liberty High School

Raleigh Co.

Lincoln County High School

Lincoln Co.

Madonna High School

Hancock Co.

Man Senior High School

Logan Co.

Mingo Central Comprehensive High School

Mingo Co.

Paw Paw High School

Morgan Co.

Pendleton County Middle / High School

Pendleton Co.

Poca High School

Putnam Co.

Point Pleasant Junior / Senior High School

Mason Co.

Ravenswood High School

Jackson Co.

Richwood High School

Nicholas Co.

Ripley High School

Jackson Co.

Scott High School

Boone Co.

Shady Spring High School

Raleigh Co.

Sherman High School

Boone Co.

Sissonville High School

Kanawha Co.

Spring Valley High School

Wayne Co.

St. Marys High School

Pleasants Co.

Teays Valley Christian School

Putnam Co.

Tucker County High School

Tucker Co.

Tug Valley High School

Mingo Co.

Tyler Consolidated High School

Tyler Co.

University High School

Monongalia Co.

Van Junior / Senior High School

Boone Co.

Wayne High School

Wayne Co.

Webster County High School

Webster Co.

Winfield High School

Putnam Co.

 Champion of College Access and Success image